South australia national parks pass. Be inspired to visit South Australia's national parks.

South australia national parks pass You can moun­tain bike or walk your dog (as long as it’s on a leash and sticks to the trail), bird watch (keep an eye out for corel­las, rain­bow lori­keets, wrens and fire­tails) or ride a horse. Some map stocks are available at the Natural Resources Centre Port Augusta. Citizen science; Campground Hosts Program; Friends & volunteers groups; Volunteer Ranger Program; Park management. Choose the park you want to visit. In some South Aus­tralian parks a fee applies for vehi­cle entry. Phone: (+61 8) 8648 5300 Email: dew. au With over 300 parks to discover and explore, a two month vehicle entry for multiple parks pass is your key to unlocking the wonderful, unique and valuable natural environment and cultural richness of South Australia. Koonalda Nullarbor National Park, Wilderness Protection Area and Regional Reserve Nullabor National Park, Wilderness Protection Area and Regional Reserve is for the intrepid and patient visitor who wants to enjoy the unparalleled serenity and a sense of remote beauty and isolation that is rare. South Australia is blanketed with natural beauty, thanks in part to a whopping 340 national parks spread across the state. The 2 and 12 month vehi­cle entry for mul­ti­ple parks pass enti­tle you to vehi­cle entry for not just this park, but up to an addi­tion­al 10 parks as well! Buy a Park Pass now ; Buy a park pass in person Here are some point­ers for plan­ning your next vis­it to one of South Australia’s desert parks. Operates: Self-drive Dec 4, 2016 · Learn about the different types of parks passes available for South Australia's national parks and how to choose the best one for your trip. Parks like Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park , Cof­fin Bay Nation­al Park , and Canun­da Nation­al Park are often close to ful­ly booked around Christ­mas and New Year. Find activities and book camp sites, accommodation and vehicle entry. 6 mil­lion hectares, it is the largest nation­al park in Australia It may have tak­en 26 mil­lion years to cre­ate the Lime­stone Coast, but good things are worth the wait. ” “When you book and pay for your campsite online, the online booking system will ask you for your parks pass number, at which point your vehicle entry fee will be waived. As such, to maximise how much they can make from each visitor. Vehicle entry fee Belair National Park. The Desert Parks Pass allows access and camping in the following parks and reserves: • Witjira National Park Win­ter (June – August): orchids and fun­gi are pro­lif­ic, rivers are flow­ing, win­ter swells crash into tow­er­ing cliffs pro­vid­ing a breath­tak­ing spec­ta­cle, echid­nas form ‘ mat­ing trains’ where up to eight males fol­low a female around, majes­tic South­ern Right Whales pass the shores and high rain­fall pro 2. Arrived at the lookout around lunchtime and had the place to ourselves, except for another 2 travellers who departed shortly after. Pest/ Animal control The Buckland Park section of the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary National Park - Winaityinaityi Pangkara (to the south of Port Gawler Road) will be closed from 5am-12 noon on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday and 4pm-midnight on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1 October 2024 to Pur­chas­ing a 2 or 12 month vehi­cle entry for mul­ti­ple parks pass can offer you val­ue for mon­ey and convenience. The state is home to Australia's largest national park, several dry lakes, the vast Flinders Ranges, several fossil sites, one of which is world heritage Book, pay or buy a pass in person; Book and pay FAQs; Desert Parks Pass; Heritage accommodation; Kangaroo Island Tour Pass; Multiple Entry Parks Pass; School Bookings; Find a Park; Know before you go. The SA Nation­al Parks Tours app brings you immer­sive, self-guid­ed tours that reveal the best sights, expe­ri­ences and local knowl­edge for select nation­al parks and walk­ing Sep 30, 2024 · South Australia’s national parks offer countless ways to explore the outdoors this spring. With over 300 parks to discover and explore, a 12 month vehicle entry for multiple parks pass is your key to unlocking the wonderful, unique and valuable natural environment and cultural richness of South Australia. Commercial Tour Operators; Drones and aircraft; Event permits; Photography and filming permits; Volunteer. Mar 18, 2022 · About 30 mins drive from Coober Pedy, the Breakaways is well worth the short drive. Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary National Park - Winaityinaityi Pangkara. 7 parks in South Aus­tralia to go kayaking; 10 top spots to snorkel Book, pay or buy a pass in person; Book and pay FAQs; Desert Parks Pass; Heritage accommodation; Kangaroo Island Tour Pass; Multiple Entry Parks Pass; School Bookings; Find a Park; Know before you go. Dhil­ba Guu­ran­­da-Innes Nation­al Park . Explore different pass options for multiple entry, desert parks, Kangaroo Island and school bookings. Noth­ing com­pares to the beau­ti­ful scenery , native ani­mals , birds and tran­quil­li­ty of walk­ing in a nation­al park – for you and your best mate. All vehicles must display their entry permit affixed to the windscreen of the passenger side of their vehicle to avoid The GANP is here to help you discover, explore, and learn more about the national parks in South Australia and why we need to protect them. One third of all national parks in Australia are in NSW. You can find out where and when burns are planned. Permits and Passes by State. The state government acknowledges Aboriginal people as the First Peoples and Nations of the lands and waters we live and work upon and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. Parks Australia staff are part of the federal environment portfolio, in the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail Flinders Chase National Park and Ravine Des Casoars Wilderness Protection Area Nature's secrets are waiting to be discovered at every step of the five-day trek, with the trail weaving its way through the most botanically unique area in all of South Australia before reaching the rugged, remote and spectacular coastline of the Southern Ocean. Accessibility; Bushwalking; Camping in national parks; Leave no trace; Closures & alerts; Desert Parks Bulletin; Pets in parks; Fires and BBQs Seal Bay Con­ser­va­tion Park is just 45 min­utes from Kan­ga­roo Island’s main town of Kingscote. It is also important to note, that no national parks in any state, allow the use of another states national park passes. AUSTRALIAN MARINE PARKS; South-west marine parks; Coral Sea Marine Park; Con­ces­sion prices are avail­able for park entry fees, tours and park pass­es (exclud­ing Desert Parks Pass). gov. Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park is a favourite for camping, fishing and surfing. Australian National Parks Permits Passes Annual Passes & Access Fees. South Australia's parks and reserves (excluding Flinders Chase National Park) are free to enter on foot or by bicycle. A favourite for camp­ing, fish­ing and surf­ing, the icon­ic Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park is a short 5. 2. Day vehi­cle entry and camp­ing is avail­able for all oth­er Desert Parks. Fire; Co-management of parks; What's new in South For more infor­ma­tion about pass­es, read the FAQs or con­tact our Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice Vis­i­tor Ser­vice Cen­tre on (+61 8) 8207 7700. The 12 month vehicle entry for multiple parks pass entitles you to unlimited entry to all parks in South Australia, excluding Desert Parks and Flinders Chase National Park Please help protect South Australia national parks by leaving no trace behind when you visit. Buy a Desert Parks Pass now; Buy a Desert Parks Pass in person Sep 30, 2024 · Cycling and walk­ing at Shep­herds Hill Recre­ation Park . May – Parks of the Murraylands. Fire; Co-management of parks; What's new in South Find out how to book, pay or buy a pass for South Australia's national parks online or in person. Aboriginal culture and heritage; Conservation; Heritage sites; Learning Resources for Teachers and Kids; Marine parks; Value of SA's parks; Support South Australia’s Permits. If you’re alone in a remote place, like one of the desert parks, you might want to consider hiring a satellite phone or locator for safety. Save money on vehicle entry to selected parks in South Australia with a 2 month or 12 month pass. Accessibility; Bushwalking; Camping in national parks; Leave no trace; Closures & alerts; Desert Parks Bulletin; Pets in parks; Fires and BBQs Sep 4, 2023 · Tips for Visiting the South Australia National Parks. Lincoln National Park overlooks Boston Bay, the largest natural harbour in Australia, with granite headlands, sheltered bays and scenic offshore islands. Park man­age­ment. 1. Passes for these parks can be purchased here (for NT residents there are some exceptions) Tasmania. Accessibility; Bushwalking; Camping in national parks; Leave no trace; Closures & alerts; Desert Parks Bulletin; Pets in parks; Fires and BBQs Open: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm (Closed public holidays) Phone: +61 8 8207 7700 Email Ground Floor, 81-95 Waymouth Street Adelaide SA 5000 General park… Sep 30, 2024 · With so many parks to choose from and activ­i­ties to try, there’s no short­age of fam­i­ly-friend­ly fun wait­ing for you in South Australia’s nation­al parks. Kan­ga­roo Island, or KI as the locals call it, is beau­ti­ful and diverse. These agents are inde­pen­dent busi­ness­es where you can book and pay for camp­ing, accom­mo­da­tion, vehi­cle entry and tours. April – Parks of the South­ern Flinders Ranges. Bushwalking in parks South… When you buy a Desert Parks Pass you receive a book that includes all the maps nec­es­sary to vis­it the area, infor­ma­tion on the parks and require­ments for safe trav­el through this out­back region of South Australia. The unimag­in­able beau­ty of this part of the world has to be seen to be believed. The Desert Parks Pass is manda­to­ry if you’re plan­ning to trav­el into Munga-Thirri – Simp­son Desert Nation­al Park or are trav­el­ling east of Dal­housie Springs in Witji­ra Nation­al Park. Assis­tance dogs must be appro­pri­ate­ly restrained on a lead and remain under your effec­tive con­trol at all times while in a park or reserve. Locat­ed with­in the dri­est region of the Aus­tralian con­ti­nent, the Munga-Thirri – Simp­son Desert Nation­al Park is in the cen­tre of the Simp­son Desert, is one of the world’s best exam­ples of par­al­lel dunal desert and at 3. The park comprises approximately 95,000 hectares. Vehicle entry fee Lincoln National Park. Shep­herds Hill is a fan­tas­tic nat­ur­al place for recre­ation. Jan­u­ary – Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park Feb­ru­ary – Parks of Kan­ga­roo Island March – Parks of Fleurieu Peninsula. Innam­inc­ka Region­al Reserve is a park of con­trasts. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion on SA Desert Parks and Far North­ern South Aus­tralian road and track access, please call Desert Parks on (61 8) 8648 5328 or the Depart­ment for Infra­struc­ture and Trans­port Out­back Road Warn­ings web­site Out­back Road Warn­ings — Depart­ment for Infra­struc­ture and Trans­port — South Aus Wild South Coast Way. To be enti­tled to a con­ces­sion, you must hold one of the fol­low­ing cards: Aus­tralian Com­mon­wealth Pen­sion­er Con­ces­sion Card South Australian Park Passes . A 12 month vehi­cle and camp­ing for desert parks pass enti­tles vehi­cle entry into: Munga-Thirri — Simp­son Desert Nation­al Park Innam­inc­ka Region­al Reserve Malkum­ba-Coongie Lakes Nation­al Park Witji­ra Nation­al Park Kati Than­da — Lake Eyre Nation­al Park and Tal­laringa Con­ser­va­tion Park. All vehicles must display their entry permit affixed to the windscreen of the passenger side of their vehicle to avoid Pur­chas­ing a 2 or 12 month vehi­cle entry for mul­ti­ple parks pass can offer you val­ue for mon­ey and convenience. The 2 and 12 month vehi­cle entry for mul­ti­ple parks pass enti­tle you to vehi­cle entry for not just this park, but up to an addi­tion­al 10 parks as well! Buy a Park Pass now ; Buy a park pass in person travel through this outback region of South Australia. June – Parks of the Barossa . New South Wales (NSW) Park Entry Fees: Most parks charge a daily fee, typically $8–$12 per vehicle. Buy your entry pass for our national parks online. Acknowledgement of Country. Coffin Bay National Park Coffin Bay features rugged coastlines, white sandy beaches, and coral reefs and serves as the namesake of the national park. Whether you’re hik­ing, camp­ing, play­ing, or pad­dling, it’s all about mak­ing mem­o­ries and spend­ing time togeth­er in the great outdoors! Book, pay or buy a pass in person; Book and pay FAQs; Desert Parks Pass; Heritage accommodation; Kangaroo Island Tour Pass; Multiple Entry Parks Pass; School Bookings; Find a Park; Know before you go. Pur­chas­ing a 2 or 12 month vehi­cle entry for mul­ti­ple parks pass can offer you val­ue for mon­ey and convenience. Holders receive life-time free entry to those parks in SA that require vehicle or personal access fees and other concessions. Parks Pass Requirement: Before you set out, remember that many of the national parks require a Parks Pass for entry. The region fea­tures pic­turesque port towns, and impres­sive vol­canic craters and moun­tain lakes that have formed over mil­lions of years, such as the Blue Lake at Mount Gambier. 3. The changes mean holiday park passes, multi-park passes, single park passes and hiking or cyclist park passes will no longer include camping which must now be purchased through a new online booking system. The sites are level and offer varied amounts of shade and protection from the wind. Vehicle entry fees are waivered in this campsite fee. Camping in QLD national parks can be booked using this link. 5 nation­al parks to have a BBQ in Adelaide; 10 pram-friend­ly walks in Adelaide’s nation­al parks; Your guide to Cleland’s exclu­sive bird tour; Vis­it Fort Glanville for a fun, fam­i­ly day out; Where to see ghost mush­rooms in South Australia; Explore on water. 3 km dri­ve from Mar­i­on Bay on the south­ern tip of the Yorke Peninsula. It includes the Heysen Range, Brachina and Bunyeroo gorges and the vast amphitheatre of mountains that is Ikara Wilpena Pound. Built with a $19. Mapland sells a range of products from the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources mapping and aerial photography library. Co-man­age­ment in South Aus­tralia is a part­ner­ship between the state gov­ern­ment and Abo­rig­i­nal groups to help man­age our nation­al parks that com­bines tra­di­tion­al knowl­edge with con­tem­po­rary park man­age­ment. Northern Territory. Plan­ning a big adven­ture in South Australia’s icon­ic out­back? Buy a Desert Parks Pass. Feel nature’s nurturing embrace surrounded by pristine bushland, waterfalls and wildlife just minutes from the city and without another soul in sight. Fire; Co-management of parks; What's new in South The sense of space unique to the semi-arid zone combine to make Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park one of South Australia’s iconic destinations. Vis­it­ing KI. The NSW Parks and Wildlife Services (NSW PWS) logo, seen from about every national park in New South Wales. The 2 and 12 month vehi­cle entry for mul­ti­ple parks pass enti­tle you to vehi­cle entry for not just this park, but up to an addi­tion­al 10 parks as well! Buy a Park Pass now ; Buy a park pass in person Book, pay or buy a pass in person If you are unable to book and pay online you can do so, in per­son, at these agents. The 2 and 12 month vehi­cle entry for mul­ti­ple parks pass enti­tle you to vehi­cle entry for not just this park, but up to an addi­tion­al 10 parks as well! Buy a Park Pass now ; Buy a park pass in person This is about 4 times as many national parks and reserves as in the United Stares. July – Ikara Flinders Ranges Be your own tour guide in South Australia’s nation­al parks with the help of local rangers, Tra­di­tion­al Own­ers and our inter­ac­tive tour maps. Why not try one of these great activities! Whether you enjoy hiking, biking, fishing, or simply soaking in natural beauty, here’s a guide to some of the best activities to enjoy across our stunning parks. Fees are valid until 30 June 2025 Open navigation Support South Australia’s national parks; Permits and licences. Day trips in parks; Google Street View Trekker; Insider tips; List your event; Park of the month; Family activities and resources; 30 park adventures; Understanding parks. Part or all of a park may be closed, or access restrict­ed to cer­tain facil­i­ties at any time for one or more of the fol­low­ing reasons:. How long is a Desert Parks Pass valid for? The pass is valid for 12 months. Aug 18, 2020 · South Australia’s nation­al parks are beau­ti­ful pock­ets of nature that allow you to escape the noise and stress of the city. Here’s a breakdown of the permit and pass systems for national parks in each state and territory. Port Augus­ta Nation­al Parks Wildlife Ser­vice South Aus­tralia Office . Citizen Jan 6, 2022 · Park fees: You will need a SA Parks Pass for the Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park. Exceptions are: Uluru-Kata Tjuta and Kakadu National Parks. For the most up-to-date information on travelling and staying in our parks, head to parks. The Kan­ga­roo Island Tour Pass pro­vides you 12 months access to Flinders Chase Nation­al Park, as well as admis­sion to the fol­low­ing Kan­ga­roo Island tours: Seal Bay guid­ed beach tour and Seal Bay self-guid­ed board­walk tour Book, pay or buy a pass in person; Book and pay FAQs; Desert Parks Pass; Heritage accommodation; Kangaroo Island Tour Pass; Multiple Entry Parks Pass; School Bookings; Find a Park; Know before you go. When you trav­el along its 155km length, you’ll find soar­ing cliffs, dense forests and wet­lands; as well as tow­er­ing sand dunes and pris­tine white beaches. 1. Accessibility; Bushwalking; Camping in national parks; Leave no trace; Closures & alerts; Desert Parks Bulletin; Pets in parks; Fires and BBQs Day trips in parks; Google Street View Trekker; Insider tips; List your event; Park of the month; Family activities and resources; 30 park adventures; Understanding parks. Operates: Self-drive Mar 24, 2020 · Here in South Australia, our city is flanked by incredible national parks where you can escape to the great outdoors in complete isolation. flindersandoutback@ sa. Support South Australia’s national parks; Permits and licences. Book, pay or buy a pass in person; Book and pay FAQs; Desert Parks Pass; Heritage accommodation; Kangaroo Island Tour Pass; Multiple Entry Parks Pass; School Bookings; Find a Park; Know before you go. How can I stay safe in desert parks? Book, pay or buy a pass in person; Book and pay FAQs; Desert Parks Pass; Heritage accommodation; Kangaroo Island Tour Pass; Multiple Entry Parks Pass; School Bookings; Find a Park; Know before you go. Tasmania also offers passes for holidays or annual use. There are multiple options available including day passes from $12 per vehicle to $48 for two months covering multiple national parks in South Australia. 5 mil­lion invest­ment after the dev­as­tat­ing 2019 – 20 bush­fires, the com­ple­tion of the new vis­i­tor cen­tre marks a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone in bush­fire recov­ery. The Desert Parks Pass allows access and camping in the following parks and reserves: • Witjira National Park Tapanappa Campground Deep Creek National Park Campsite fees are per site per night. Aboriginal culture and heritage; Conservation; Heritage sites; Learning Resources for Teachers and Kids; Marine parks; Value of SA's parks; Support South Australia’s Book, pay or buy a pass in person; Book and pay FAQs; Desert Parks Pass; Heritage accommodation; Kangaroo Island Tour Pass; Multiple Entry Parks Pass; School Bookings; Find a Park; Know before you go. NT doesn’t charge entry for most of the parks. This pass not only supports conservation efforts but also grants Nov 3, 2016 · South Australia is reforming its national park entry fee system, making visitors buy camping passes separately to park entry. Most national parks require a vehicle entry fee (for up to eight passengers). This campground is a short walk to spectacular views of the coastline with a number of walking trails nearby. Aug 5, 2024 · This world class, 66km, five-day walk­ing trail gives you unpar­al­leled access to some of the most rugged, remote and spec­tac­u­lar coast­lines in South Australia. Dis­cov­er­ing the Aus­tralian sea lion colony in such mag­nif­i­cent wilder­ness makes Seal Bay an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence. The 2 and 12 month vehi­cle entry for mul­ti­ple parks pass enti­tle you to vehi­cle entry for not just this park, but up to an addi­tion­al 10 parks as well! Buy a Park Pass now ; Buy a park pass in person Check the lat­est Desert Parks Bul­letin before vis­it­ing this park. Aboriginal culture and heritage; Conservation; Heritage sites; Learning Resources for Teachers and Kids; Marine parks; Value of SA's parks; Support South Australia’s national parks; Permits and licences. travel through this outback region of South Australia. Fire; Co-management of parks; What's new in South May 13, 2020 · If phone signal is important to you, make sure you check before you go. . The DEW makes every effort to give as much notice as pos­si­ble before clos­ing a park, how­ev­er clo­sures may occur at short notice when necessary. It is an offence to fly drones (remote­ly pilot­ed air­craft) in South Australia’s nation­al parks, con­ser­va­tion parks, game reserves, recre­ation parks or region­al reserves and marine park restrict­ed access zones with­out a per­mit. Assis­tance dogs are per­mit­ted in most pub­lic places and are there­fore wel­come in South Australia’s parks and reserves. It also gives you access to a range of tours and attrac­tions, such as: Seal Bay Expe­ri­ence tour and boardwalk Some of South Aus­trali­a’s best known and most fre­quent­ly vis­it­ed parks are found in the Ade­laide Hills, includ­ing Cle­land Wildlife Park, Belair Nation­al Park, Mori­al­ta Con­ser­va­tion Park and pop­u­lar sites such as Water­fall Gul­ly and Mount Lofty Summit. The two month pass entitles you to unlimited entry to all parks in South Australia, excluding Desert Parks and Flinders Chase National Park (Kangaroo Island). Dec 16, 2024 · Camp­sites in South Australia’s nation­al parks can be booked up to 12 months in advance, and the most pop­u­lar spots fill quick­ly dur­ing the holidays. Download Avenza maps. On the southern side of the park are the massive, wind-sculpted sand dunes of the Sleaford-Wanna dune system and the pounding surf of the Southern Ocean. Accessibility; Bushwalking; Camping in national parks; Leave no trace; Closures & alerts; Desert Parks Bulletin; Pets in parks; Fires and BBQs Pets and parks Most nation­al parks do not allow dogs or oth­er pets, however there are some parks that wel­come dogs on leads. There are twenty-eight national parks in Australia's third largest state, and unlike neighbouring New South Wales, national parks in South Australia are only reserved for the finest parks. Aboriginal culture and heritage; Conservation; Heritage sites; Learning Resources for Teachers and Kids; Marine parks; Value of SA's parks; Support South Australia’s Pur­chas­ing a 2 or 12 month vehi­cle entry for mul­ti­ple parks pass can offer you val­ue for mon­ey and convenience. Accessibility; Bushwalking; Camping in national parks; Leave no trace; Closures & alerts; Desert Parks Bulletin; Pets in parks; Fires and BBQs If you’re a frequent visitor to South Australia’s National Parks, you can save money by purchasing a Parks Pass instead. Loca­tion: Cape Jervis — Vic­tor Har­bor Start: Cape Jervis (behind fer­ry ter­mi­nal) or Longkewar/ The Bluff, Vic­tor Harbor The hall­mark five-day four-night walk­ing expe­ri­ence from Cape Jervis to Vic­tor Har­bor can be walked in either direc­tion. With over 300 parks to discover and explore, a two month vehicle entry for multiple parks pass is your key to unlocking the wonderful, unique and valuable natural environment and cultural richness of South Australia. 2025. Aquatic vegetation in the ponds is still recovering following the dramatic drop in water levels and the impact of water birds having more ready access to the vegetation. Find out more about parks passes (including the Desert Parks Pass) from National Parks South Australia. Apr 8, 2019 · “Locals will be pleased to hear that vehicle entry for Lincoln and Coffin Bay National Parks are bundled together under one single park pass. Dec 4, 2016 · If you enjoy vis­it­ing nation­al parks, a parks pass is a great way to save mon­ey and help plan your trip. NSW has the second most national parks in Australia as well, just after Queensland. Find out more and get your pass online here. NSW National Parks Annual Pass: Unlimited access to most parks for $65–$190, depending on the region. Mambray Creek Campground Mount Remarkable National Park A well-established campground with 49 campsites set among the river red gums. Cov­er­ing more than 1. The 2 and 12 month vehi­cle entry for mul­ti­ple parks pass enti­tle you to vehi­cle entry for not just this park, but up to an addi­tion­al 10 parks as well! Buy a Park Pass now ; Buy a park pass in person Book, pay or buy a pass in person; Book and pay FAQs; Desert Parks Pass; Heritage accommodation; Kangaroo Island Tour Pass; Multiple Entry Parks Pass; School Bookings; Find a Park; Know before you go. Be inspired to visit South Australia's national parks. Top national parks to visit. If you’re vis­it­ing Munga-Thirri-Simp­son Desert Con­ser­va­tion Park and Region­al Reserve or trav­el­ling east of Dal­housie Springs in Witji­ra Nation­al Park you’ll need a Desert Parks Pass. Ewens Ponds is having a staged reopening after a period of closure due to low water levels and reduced flows. Accessibility; Bushwalking; Camping in national parks; Leave no trace; Closures & alerts; Desert Parks Bulletin; Pets in parks; Fires and BBQs A mile­stone in bush­fire recovery. Buy a map. The 12 month vehicle entry for multiple parks pass entitles you to unlimited entry to all parks in South Australia, excluding Desert Parks and Flinders Chase National Park Friends of Parks and Nature members who have been DEW volunteers for fifteen (15) years or more can apply for a Gold Pass in recognition of their valuable contribution. Why are pre­scribed burns important? Buy a Parks Pass. Compare costs, durations, parks included and camping options for each pass. Parks Australia supports the Director of National Parks, the federal park agency, in managing six Commonwealth national parks, the Australian National Botanic Gardens, and Australian Marine Parks. Find out which parks are included, how to buy a pass online or in person, and other pass options. Understanding parks. Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice does pre­scribed burn­ing in care­ful­ly-cho­sen areas of South Australia’s parks and reserves. Accessibility; Bushwalking; Camping in national parks; Leave no trace; Closures & alerts; Desert Parks Bulletin; Pets in parks; Fires and BBQs Book, pay or buy a pass in person; Book and pay FAQs; Desert Parks Pass; Heritage accommodation; Kangaroo Island Tour Pass; Multiple Entry Parks Pass; School Bookings; Find a Park; Know before you go. Bushwalking is a great way to discover the park, with trails ranging from 30-minute strolls to four-hour treks. Here are some valuable tips to ensure you make the most of your visit to South Australia’s National Parks. Demys­ti­fy­ing parks passes Dis­cov­er which pass you need to save mon­ey on vehi­cle entry fees for South Australia’s nation­al parks. My friend and I went on the recommendation of a local. Accessibility; Bushwalking; Camping in national parks; Leave no trace; Closures & alerts; Desert Parks Bulletin; Pets in parks; Fires and BBQs A Kan­ga­roo Island Parks Pass gives you unlim­it­ed entry to KI’s parks includ­ing Flinders Chase Nation­al Park. sa. Acknowledgement of Country The state government acknowledges Aboriginal people as the First Peoples and Nations of the lands and waters we live and work upon and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. Accessibility; Bushwalking; Camping in national parks; Leave no trace; Closures & alerts; Desert Parks Bulletin; Pets in parks; Fires and BBQs South Australian Park Passes . Australian National Parks are all managed independantly by each state authority. Official maps from National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia are available on Avenza Maps. gov. Check the lat­est Desert Parks Bul­letin before vis­it­ing this park. Decem­ber – Coastal Parks of Adelaide. 3 mil­lion hectares of land, rang­ing from the life-giv­ing wet­lands of the Coop­er Creek sys­tem to the stark arid out­back, the reserve also sus­tains a large com­mer­cial beef cat­tle enter­prise, and oil and gas fields. au. ozmczc prp waqz lclsif nkiuetb xhti cklwga thej ichc hbnlwf